Coffee Zombies, back home in Indiana

Coffiee Zombies, along with Changeling, will play for Gypsy Moon Ball 2011.

What’s Gypsy Moon Ball?  Well, every fall Indy Contra hosts a dance weekend, with contra dancers from around the midwest (and farther) coming to dance with us, Friday night, all day Saturday & Saturday night, and Sunday to about 3 p.m. It’s mostly contra, but there are sessions for waltz and other dance styles, and several hours of waltzing & other couple dances. We’ll have at least 150 “dance gypsies,” who love to contra dance so much they’re driving from Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and maybe even farther.

The complete schedule of workshops and special Saturday afternoon sessions will be released about October 11th.

We’re recruiting Indianapolis area dancers to help with planning and preparation, making buttons (for nametags) and signs, preparing homemade sweet & salty snacks, shopping for supplies, helping with registration, setup, and cleanup; and hosting dancers from out of town. Just thirty or sixty minutes of your time would help a lot!


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