Calling all callers (& musicians)
We’re going to have an hour or two of open calling open band next Saturday afternoon, at Gypsy Moon Ball. Bring your cards & instruments....
Indianapolis Ceili Band – traditional, live Irish Music for dancing
Earth House Community potlucks
Earth House has community potlucks on the first Sunday of each month. They ask that contributions be made from scratch, and with (some) local ingredients....
Open Band with Dugan Murphy calling
November 1st we welcome Dugan Murphy back from Cincinnati, calling to Open Band, which means everyone who wants to play. If you have a Portland...
Food Truck Fest @ Gypsy Moon Ball
Good news (mostly) for GMB attendees! Food Truck Fest will be right across the street, in the Murat parking lot on Friday night. For $5...
Welcoming new dancers
Contra dancing always welcomes new dancers. We’re glad to have the chance to share something we love! And while it can stay fun for decades,...
Ken Gall calls to music by Celtic Myst. In recent months Ken’s traveled to and called in Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ireland, Oregon, Washington, and...
Gypsy Moon Ball Site
Gypsy Moon Ball 2011 is almost entirely at Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ (site of 2010’s Friday night dance). Susan Moffett and Kathy Anderson...
couple dancing (etc.?) & contra dancing; music by Entwyned & caller Bob Duffy
Tuesday, October 11, we start the evening at 7 p.m. with music by Entwyned, for couple and other dancing. They might play a bunch of...
Coffee Zombies, back home in Indiana
Coffiee Zombies, along with Changeling, will play for Gypsy Moon Ball 2011. What’s Gypsy Moon Ball? Well, every fall Indy Contra hosts a dance weekend,...